In September 2016, Sony unveiled the PlayStation 4 Pro, a high-end version of the console with an upgraded GPU and higher CPU clock rate.

Accommodating Design: Minimal, Warm, and Perfect
Accommodating design is a type of industrial design that brings technology, science, and consumption and everyday life together.

A Day in the Life: New Tendency
Let’s talk about the new design technique, described in a study published on Thursday in the journal Science.

Bright & Colorful Ways to Improve Your Aesthetic
For a few short years in the mid-1980s, when the pockets of New York’s broad-suited investors swilled with Reagan-era money, one item of clothing defined the luxurious moment above all others: the pouf dress.

Magazine Spread
A basic unit in book design is the page spread. The left page (called verso) and right page (called recto) are of the same size and aspect ratio.

Minimalism At Its Finest
The term minimalism is used to describe a trend in design and architecture, wherein the subject is reduced to its necessary elements.

Mass Production, What It Is and What It Isn’t
“Mass production” or “continuous production” is the production of large amounts of standardized products.

Blanko Presents Lighting Designs That Exploit Geometry
Blanko is a small furniture design studio based in Novi Sad, Serbia.